Tuesday, June 23, 2009

New Music....New Interview....Straight Organic

The Summer has officially arrived....

....And it has been a pretty strange weather pattern though, rain, sun, rain, sun. Speaking of Strange, my people's Michael McFadden and Acee (you may remember Acee's unbelievable beat for "unforgivable blackness" off the People's Verses....)just dropped their latest, release...self titled "Agent Strange". Myself, IllSpokinn (Spokinn Movement, Sin Sin fam), and Stephanie Diaz are featured on this amazing album. My track is "Hired Hand" and you can hear the track here (click the album cover):

It is available via itunes, napster, rhapsody or wherever dope music is sold.

I also had the opportunity to sit down with Zeb d'essence (of "Rappers are in Danger" fame off The People's Verses) and discuss the URB Next 100, new projects and in general the state of the music. Peace to the middle row.

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