Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Skillz to Take Brazil @ Arlenes Grocery

Boa Tarde (that's good afternoon)

Its been a great past couple of days, got a chance to support my man, MC Aero at the BassBot Reunion at the Legendary Konkrete Jungle. For those FB'ers you can peep that here HG over Dubstep. Here it is live and direct:

After coming home from Europe, the focus has been really to continue to cultivate what Say Word and Fresh Roots has started, strengthening connections. I myself am in the midst of several projects that are going to showcase various collaborations with artists from around the United States and the globe. One of those projects Skillz to take Brazil is in conjunction with partner in rhyme Rabbi Darkside (3rd Party) and the Jazzy Frenchmen, Zajazza. We have been previewing the record here in NYC in a series of live events. The last one took place this past Friday at Arlenes Grocery in conjunction with KeyNote NY. Shouts to Rabbi and his Keynote family on the love. For those who didn't brave the rain or the cover (it wasnt expensive at all, but we know in these tough times how it is....), courtesy of Ms. Natty S. (who with her Brother, Donovan have become *THE* premier documentors of NYC underground/independent music...seriously, if you dont know them, you aren't doing anything in the NYC Hip Hop Community right now...)

Natty was dope enough to pretty much film the show in its entirety, so here are the highlights (Thanks Natty!!! )

I'm never forgetting my Face Book Fam so here are the links (which also serve as the tracklisting for the embed clips below..g'yeah)

Best Minds Remix-3rd Party
Intro and Nao Tem Preco
Little City
Somos Assin
Recognize Real
Very Good
Brazilian Freestyle

Pass the goodness along and for those on Facebook please let your friends know to find more of fresh roots
here Hired Gun FB Community page
Reverbnation Music(exclusive new stuff here first!!?!?! just get on the mailling list....)
Myspace (because people still check it